Hello all, and thank you in advance for any ideas you may have.
First, I freely admit I know very little about orchids, and apparently
some of what I 'know' is wrong!
(ie., 'orchids are hot house
plants/indoor plants, and must be planted in special bark mixtures).
I adopted this plant at an estate sale. At the time, it was foilage
only, with a stem laden with green bulbs I was told would bloom. Was
told it was an orchid, and that it had always been kept outdoors
(relatively unprotected area.) Had my doubts, but it was free so I
took it home.
This is the So. California area, about 60 miles East of Los Angeles.
We've had a pretty cold winter (for CA
, with several freezing nights
and a few heavy rainstorms. This plant has been living outdoors, near
a tree so in semi-shade during the summer, and only recently moved
nearer the house for shelter. During the last month, the green
'thingys' did indeed turn into beautiful blooms. Here are the urls
for two pictures I just took, one of the whole plant in the same black
nursery bucket I got it in, and a closeup of the blooms:
I have done *nothing* to it - no fertilizer, etc., just watering
during summer. The 'soil' it's planted in looks/feels like basic old
potting mix! I'd like to keep it alive though, and maybe even
divide/repot it, so would appreciate any tips or websites with
'novice' info. And, anyone know what kind it is (or if it's an orchid
at all!
Many thanks!