San Jose/Santa Clara County horse manure for composter.
Hello all,
I am in the San Jose/Santa Clara County area and am wanting to really
double, at least, my composting efforts. I have been reading a little
on GardenWeb, and some seem so excited over getting horse manure to take
home and compost. I could use some help in finding "cooperating"
stables in my general area so that I may obtain some of this "green
gold." I have emailed our extension service, as well, and am waiting to
hear from them. Any information or assistance from you great horse and
compost people out in the Santa Clara Valley would be greatly
Also, would y'all know of any straw (or hay?) to be gotten on the
cheap? Any othe farm/ranch related items good for composting, and
I have a truck, a strong back, and a husband: so I don't need delivery.