Thread: Bloody Cats
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Old 17-04-2003, 10:20 PM
Little Badger
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Default Bloody Cats

Hi George (Again, get a life)!



"Pussy Galore" wrote in message
I've been lurking in this NG for some time now, and I have to say that
I am amazed by the tolerance that some people show towards CATS!
They crap and piddle all over my garden. Their owners show absolutely
no consideration for other people or their property, and in fact show
a complete contempt for other people's feelings and property rights.
How many dogs are allowed to behave in this way.
If dog owners are forced into picking up their pet's droppings why are
we so tolerant towards cats. They are carriers of the same diseases
that dogs are accused of carrying, so much so that dog owners have to
clean up after their pets. So why not bloody cats? Someone on this
NG suggested shooting them. Not a bad idea as far as I'm concerned.