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Old 25-10-2009, 07:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Gel Gel is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 4
Default McCulloch Motor Mower-Self Propelled; how to adapt so grass bagcan be changed without stopping engine

Some very valid points guys; thanks.

In your experience when you do a hot start, is is necessary to
pump primer couple of times or not?
This engine (Briggs & Stratton) does not have 3 settings as is common
on some units,
or is that just 2 strokes.

On 25 Oct, 18:12, "Pete Stockdale"
"Bob Hobden" wrote in message


Having lost the top of my finger in a mower you are making me cringe. Turn
it off and make sure the blades have stopped before ever going near the
actual mower bit, accidents do happen, a moments lapse of concentration, a
slip, is all it takes and it may not be you that does it.
The Hospital that put my finger back together told me it's a very common
accident although not as common as Mower Foot. (Gangrene meant I lost the
tip anyway)

I trust you all use steel toecap boots/shoes when using a mower? Saw a
young lady using sandals this summer...frightening when you consider she
could lose a foot and ruin her life.

Yes - you interfere with the safety systems at your peril and it would
appear moreover, *your wife's.

I have two ride on mowers. Confusingly, one allows you to dismount without
the engine being stopped,
the other one cuts out the engine on dismount.
But both machines do not allow you to dismount if the blades are revolving.

I would like to convert the latter to the former, but would leave it to a
pro to work out and expedite a safe system.
