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Old 25-10-2009, 06:56 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default McCulloch Motor Mower-Self Propelled; how to adapt so grass bag can be changed without stopping engine

"Gel" wrote...
Thanks to Euro Health & Safety zealots you can no longer stop a mower
without engine shutting off, when your hand comes off "dead man's

This means every time you need to change grass box, you have to
restart engine afterwards, each time.
Older models, would just disengage propulsion and stop blade spinning,
but keep engine on tick over.

This is a pain, but I believe some high end Motor Mowers (Honda) have
fix; however I've got this new McCulloch now.
Anyone any suggestions as to how to get round this annoyance that I
assume is on a lot of modern motor mowers?

One possibility I suppose is to fabricate some sort of crade to lift
front end of mower (as it's front wheel propelled) and place front end
of mower in that, so during grass box change, the front end is
elevated, and front wheels will keep turning, but go nowhere, but
blade of course is still rotating.

Having lost the top of my finger in a mower you are making me cringe. Turn
it off and make sure the blades have stopped before ever going near the
actual mower bit, accidents do happen, a moments lapse of concentration, a
slip, is all it takes and it may not be you that does it.
The Hospital that put my finger back together told me it's a very common
accident although not as common as Mower Foot. (Gangrene meant I lost the
tip anyway)

I trust you all use steel toecap boots/shoes when using a mower? Saw a young
lady using sandals this summer...frightening when you consider she could
lose a foot and ruin her life.

Bob Hobden
just W. of London