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Old 15-10-2009, 12:23 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_4_] Sacha[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 7,762
Default Tree for interest

On 2009-10-14 22:47:32 +0100, Malcolm said:

Chris J Dixon wrote:
Whilst at Grand Designs Live, I heard a talk by James
Alexander-Sinclair, who I have to say was a most engaging and
informative speaker.

He encouraged us not to keep plants simply because they have been
there for a long time, saying that he often finds an overgrown
forsythia in a corner of a garden, boring for most of the year,
and constantly in need of cutting back.

This prompted me to think about replacements for mine. I have
room for a small tree, but wonder what is considered to provide
the greatest amount of year-round interest?


At the risc of being flamed for hi-jacking this thread, the school
where I work part time has had 3 (soon to be 5) planters installed 1000
x 1000 x 700deep) which I have been told will be planted with 'trees'
The planters are in a large (tennis court+) internal quad surrounded
with single story buildings with a high pitched roofline. I know that
there will be major watering problems but I am assured that 'the
children will do that' (& come in during the 6 week summer break?) The
planters have been filled with qua good quality soil/compost mix and
stand on a tarmac base.

I have ideas such as Acer, Mountain ash etc. Does the panel have any



Yes, it's a rotten idea, IMO. They won't get watered properly but will
get 'drowned' every so often and allowed to stand in wet compost or to
dry out entirely in between. Either a groundsman is going to tend them
properly or the money might as well be thrown away now. And as for
'trees' being planted in such a way - well, good luck to both the trees
and the tarmac, IMO! Do the people intending to plant these trees
realise that - as a rough rule of thumb - roots go as deep as a canopy

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