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Old 13-10-2009, 05:50 PM posted to rec.ponds
Rodney Pont[_2_] Rodney Pont[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2008
Posts: 8
Default UV filter + material

On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:46:38 +0100, blobby wrote:

I am a newbie here and I need some advice about filtration.
I have a small pond approx 2m x 1.5m x 0.5m with an underwater pump and
a small waterfall.
It has no fish(I may want to add a few later) but some lillies and a
couple of other oxygenating plants. Sounds pretty basic, I guess, but
my water is all green - can't see a thing below the surface.
After Googling for a while, I think I need a material filter(beads?)
and a UV filter to kill the algea.
The area around my pond is not suitable for underground filtration, so
I need an in-pond underwater solution.
So, can anybody recommend a combined material/uv underwater filter that
I can buy in the UK? My pump has a 1"(25mm) inlet/outlet.

The only underwater solution I know if is combined with a pump:

You need to be able to pull it out for cleaning and for replacement
of the UV bulb.

You may just be swapping one problem for another though. Once the UV
has killed off the water born algae light will be able to get in and
you could get blanketweed.

Or, maybe there's a different solution?

More plants and time. The plants will out compete the algae in time
especially since you have no fish to feed. How long has it been set
up? It does take time for the plants to consume the nutrients and for
the algae to die off.

Regards - Rodney Pont
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