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Old 26-09-2009, 11:09 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
lloyd lloyd is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2009
Posts: 120
Default Is a runner bean a runner bean

On Sat, 26 Sep 2009 09:38:58 +0100 (BST), wrote:

In article ,
lloyd wrote:
I had about a dozen plants I planted in May, came from two sources.
Around 90% of my harvest has been soft and juicy as a runner bean
should be.. The odd one seems to be fat and bulbous and after cooking
I get the odd mouthful of completely undigestible runner bean which I
have to spit out. It's so horrid it's almost putting me off the rest
of the beans, not the taste, the thought.

What's going on?

That's been left too long, and is ripening. You may have missed it
or not picks it because it was small. When that happened, just
chuck those beans on the compost heap.

The fatties you mean?

That simple eh

If you are away and have a lot of them, you can pod them and cook
the unripe beans like flageolet beans. Or you can let all of the
beans ripen, and use the dried beans over the winter.

I'm not that organised I'm afraid. I thought I could just parboil them
and freeze them somehow, or is that incorrect?