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Old 04-09-2009, 12:37 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
K K is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,966
Default What kind of worms?

Timothy Murphy writes
K wrote:

Tiger worms from an angling shop. I suspect he really meant tiger worms,
not garden worms.

But you should be able to get them free from some humus rich soil. They
breed vary rapidly in the right conditions. I can pick them up in
handfuls from my compost heap, like living spaghetti.

All my worms seem to have died
after I acquired one of these wormeries with several trays,
and transferred my compost from my previous wormery
in a dustbin-like container, with a tap at the bottom.

In that case I'd certainly try and get some free! It sounds like there's
something about the conditions in the new container that isn't right,
and you need to get that sorted first. It'd be a pity to buy some worms
and have them die on you too.
