On 16 Aug, 22:49, "'Mike'" wrote:
Thanks Bob, that's what I thought for some reason.
Not for me, don't have a pond, filled it in ages ago :-
The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Associationwww.rneba.org.uk
Luxury Self Catering on the Isle of Wight?www.shanklinmanormews.co.uk"Bob Hobden" wrote in message
"'Mike'" *wrote ...
When is the best time to thin out and transplant Bullrushes?
Now with plenty of water in a container or when they have died back?
As far as I know all water plants are best dealt with when growing apace,
unlike normal plants.
Bob Hobden
just W. of London- Hide quoted text -
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Do you mean Bullrush or do you mean reed mace?
David Hill
PS Yes My father had Chinese crews and Indian, both great people