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Old 15-08-2009, 11:15 PM posted to rec.gardens
Billy[_8_] Billy[_8_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2009
Posts: 127
Default Off topic Crazy trespass stuff

In article ,
enigma wrote:

Billy wrote in


Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have an articulate and
intelligent person at the helm of state again, but for all the
populist talk, it doesn't look like our course is changing.

if you think *anyone* can change 8 years of regression is 6 months,
you must have thought you elected Superman. you are being unfair &
totally unrealistic.
also, a President can *suggest* laws and policy, but Congress has to
write it & pass it. Pelosi is obfusicating & dithering. she's a DINO,
a Bush flunkie in a Democrat wrapper. i believe she's from your
state, so you really should work at getting someone with a brain into
her office, instead of blaming the president for the branch of
government he doesn't control.

Believe it or not, Pelosi represents San Francisco, and I agree
completely with your characterization of her. Same with one of our
Senators, Diane Feinstein, whose husband has made a fortune from Bush's
Vanity Wars

But Obama is commander in chief. He can't end the war, rendition, or
He can't call for the reinstatement of Glass/Steagal?
He can't call for the reinstatement if the FISA Courts as they were
before Bush?
Many Democrats were elected into office on his coat-tails, they would do
well to listen to his call. He was elected on the basis of change.
Where's the beef?

Poll: 2/3 Americans Support Investigating Bush Crimes

We are now 8 mo. into the Obama Administration and what do we see? Big
Pharma, and health insurance providers will make more money from the
universal health care bill, because of back room deals.

The Health Insurers Have Already Won

³You Do Not Cut Deals with the System that Has to Be Replaced²: Ralph
Nader on Secret White House Agreements with the Drug Industry

There seems to be no end to guaranteed $1M bonuses for bailed out
and the wars continue . . .

Nobody that is going to be the nominee of the Republican or the
Democratic Party, is going to bring change. Those parties have been
preempted by the plutocrats to insure a stable "kleptocracy".
Racial injustice, war, urban blight, and environmental rape have a common denominator in our exploitative economic system.*
~Channing E. Phillips