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Old 11-08-2009, 03:37 PM posted to rec.gardens
enigma enigma is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 668
Default Off topic Crazy trespass stuff

Billy wrote in


In article ,
Rick wrote:
We'll need those guns and bullets as we transition into whatever
thieving rich get richer system seeks to replace capitalism in
the US. Couple of tweaked old men with .410s placed at the doors
of democratic town hall meetings might calm things down and allow
debate to proceed.

On the other hand, when is the last time you heard of a "drive by"
stabbing? The more guns there are, the more, bigger guns you need
to protect yourself, so the reasoning goes. Unfortunately, the
plutocrats who run this "kleptocracy" have changed my mind on gun
control. Not that any of us would stand a chance when Blackwater
comes calling at 3 AM.

not really true, Billy. the Revolution was won more by stealth &
courage than by guns. the Revolutionary Army of the new world
actually had more farm implements than guns & was among the first to
practice guerrilla warfare. the British had trouble adapting to such
tactics as firing from behind rock walls & trees, rather than
standing & firing in ranks.
it's really not the power of the weapon (since i doubt the
government is stupid enough to use nuclear weapons on the
disenfranchised), but the power of conviction.

now, if we could get the masses off their bread & circuses to see
what they can do, we'd get somewhere. with or without the