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Old 11-08-2009, 01:59 AM posted to rec.gardens
Bill who putters Bill who putters is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 1,085
Default Off topic Crazy trespass stuff

In article
Billy wrote:

In article ,
Rick wrote:

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 00:44:31 -0700 (PDT), Higgs Boson

On Aug 8, 3:40*pm, Bill who putters wrote:
*Sort of thought of this land is my land this land is your land.


* Guess from Salon.

Ohio man who killed lawn walker commits suicide

Aug 8th, 2009 | LEBANON, Ohio -- An Ohio man convicted of killing his
15-year-old neighbor because he walked on the man's well-kept lawn has
committed suicide in prison.

Ohio prison officials say 69-year-old Charles Martin killed himself
Friday at the Lebanon Correctional Institution in southwest Ohio.

The Department of Rehabilitation and Correction did not say how Martin
died. He had been sentenced to serve 18 years in prison before he could
be considered for parole.

Martin had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to shooting Larry
Mugrage Jr. to death with a shotgun in March 2006. Jurors rejected that
argument and convicted him.

At sentencing, Martin said he was sorry the shooting occurred. But he
said the teenager knew how much he cared for his lawn and provoked him.


Garden in shade zone 5 S Jersey USA

But heaven forbid the govt should try to control, e.g. those gun
shows where any maniac can buy AK47s and similar war weapons. Our
pussy govt. just had to admit that the devastating Mexican border wars
going on right now acquire most of their weapons from the good old
U.S.A. Every day there's another report of some nut walking into a
store or temple or other public venue and spraying
the place with bullets, murdering innocent people. Dunno - who are we
to preach to the world about

He shot the kid with a single shot .410 shot gun. The smallest shot
gun made, and not a war weapon. The kid wasn't innocent, he knew the
old guy was tweaked about his lawn and walked on it repeatedly. So
did his parents. I'm not defending the murder of an unarmed and
stupid teenager, but guns and gun laws had very little to do with it.
Lack of parenting and respect for others property, the arrogance of
youth, combined with mental illness had everything to do with it. FWIW
if a tweaked old man threatens to shoot you with a shot gun if you
don't quit walking on his lawn, don't laugh, cuss at him and tell to
"just try it". Our society murdered Martin just as surely as Martin
murdered the boy.

We'll need those guns and bullets as we transition into whatever
thieving rich get richer system seeks to replace capitalism in the US.
Couple of tweaked old men with .410s placed at the doors of democratic
town hall meetings might calm things down and allow debate to proceed.

On the other hand, when is the last time you heard of a "drive by"
stabbing? The more guns there are, the more, bigger guns you need to
protect yourself, so the reasoning goes. Unfortunately, the plutocrats
who run this "kleptocracy" have changed my mind on gun control. Not that
any of us would stand a chance when Blackwater comes calling at 3 AM.

Every room in my house has a weapon. Most double as Japanese gardening
tools the rest swords for play. Some just bamboo lengths. I practice
every day on using them in a efficient manner.

Bill described as gentle yet a strike in .02 or .03 still worked at

I like to use these principles in dancing. Better to yield fer sure.


Garden in shade zone 5 S Jersey USA