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Old 02-08-2009, 01:22 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default anyone recognise these shrubs

In message , Emrys Davies
"Stewart Robert Hinsley" wrote in message
These are a couple of shrubs that I've passed on my travels that I

recognise. The first might be planted, or might be an escape; I'm
moderately certain that the second is an escape.

And also, while I'm asking, does anyone recognise this bellflower.
Stewart Robert Hinsley

Dicot 28 could possibly be Vibernum Tinus

The venation pattern is not corrrect for Viburnum tinus; Viburnum tinus
is asymmetrically pinnately veined, which is a fairly common pattern for

At a gross level Dicot28 has three parallel veins extending the length
of the leaf; but it looks as if the veins are dichtomomising (with the
first two splits near the base of the leaf, and sometimes hardly
separable, and a fourth vein sometimes present towards the apex. (It
could be pinnate veined in origin, with the lateral veins reduced in
number, and extended towards the apex of the leaf.)

Did you mean Dicot06? I don't see any obvious reason to discount this
one as Viburnum tinus. (In life it didn't jump out at me as Viburnum
tinus, but I haven't noticed any of these recently.)
Stewart Robert Hinsley