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Old 16-04-2003, 10:44 AM
Gordon Couger
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Default Biotech Wish List

"jitney" wrote in message
"Gordon Couger"

What has already been done is the biggest postive step in imporoveing
framings impact on the envionment in history and you bitch about it?



Merry Christmas to you too. You have made some good points. My concern
about the terminator gene has to do with its accidental (or
intentional?) transfer into the wider gene pool, causing a permanent
dependance on the seed companies. It is a power that I would rather
wish that private companies or individuals not have. And yes, we do
need more government research.
Now, if they could only eliminate that bad spelling DNA from the
human genome...-Jitney

It's transfer to the wider gene pool is self limiting. It does not germinate
so it can't contaminate more than a fraction of the crop and that that is
does containate doesn't reproduce.

Patents don't have an infine life. As soon as the patent expires that gene
is free for anyone to use and can be incorperated into the varities that the
farmers keep for themselves. They would never get the gentics any other way.
I have farmed most of my life and many years I raised seed wheat many years
for my self and others. Buying better seed is the best bargin I ever made.

Farmers will only buy patented seed if it makes them money. No one holds a
gun to our head and makes us buy seed except in a few areas that limit the
varities to assure unifomity. In India half the cotton seed sold is hybred
that is worthless for replanting. India also has a problem with seed dealers
that sell seed that doesn't germinate. Western bussiness practice is a lot
better than what they have today.
