"Way Back Jack" wrote in message
In this State, you're not allowed to trap and transport racs. Anyway,
one time in the past using a Haveaheart, the damn dumb cat got
trapped. Another time, the rac was able to somehow escape! Two
other times I was successful in trapping them and shot them with a
22, but it was a bitch removing the corpses from the traps.
So I marinated a 12 oz. can of cat food in a bowl of antifreeze. Set
it out near where the rac has been doing his damage. Next morning,
the ground at the site was wet with antifreeze, suggesting that he
dumped it, and quite a bit of the cat food remained in the bowl which
was tossed about 20 yds. away.
Do you know whether ACDelco Dex-Cool antifreeze contains denatonium
which is an embittering agent? The ingredients list doesn't mention
it though, so maybe this is simply a rac who doesn't have a sweet
tooth for antifreeze. I can only hope that the meat portion that he
did eat contained enough antifreeze to prevent his destructive return.
How about parking yourself outdoors in a nice chair at night with the .22
and capping the animal without trapping it first? Get yourself a Sure-Fire
light, designed for making targets think "What the f&&k??" and stopping just
long enough to get nailed.
They're ridiculously bright.