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Old 05-07-2009, 04:25 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Broadback[_2_] Broadback[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2009
Posts: 138
Default Runner Beans In Greenhouse

Angela wrote:
"callumw10" wrote in message
| Hi
| I am currently growing some runner beans in my greenhouse. they are
| currently about 6 inches tall. i am planning on moving them out of the
| green house into the garden.
| when would be the best time in moving them into the garden?? also do i
| have to do anything before i put them in the garden??
| thanks
| callum

They will get too hot in a greenhouse and the flowers will just drop without
forming a bean. Better het them outside asap

Now here's a thing. I have always planted my runners in pots early so
that they get a good start, then plant out when all chance of frost has
gone. This year I was short of plants, so on planting them out I made up
for the shortfall with pushing seeds into the soil next to the bean
sticks. Here I am now with all the beans at the same height, however the
direct sown ones are much healthier looking with a deeper green and much
larger leaves, I look forward to seeing which crops first and best!

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