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Old 05-07-2009, 06:16 PM posted to rec.gardens
Douglas R. Hortvet, Jr. Douglas R. Hortvet, Jr. is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 8
Default Ant infestation of Gardenia - how to get rid of them

Thanks for the reply.

Issues with 'personal pronouns and paragraphs' - what does that mean?

'Issues' is such an overused and non-specifc term to be essentially meaningless, IMO.

When I called the local gardening guru's radio program - he acknowledge that ants can
devastate a plants root system. Figure he knows more than I about such things.

There is another gardenia in a pot not 5' away and has no problem at all - both are
watered the same, and received the same fertilizer and sulphur treatment.

The one with the problem had evidence of a blackness on the leaves - black sooty mold -
that was removed with strong water spray.

Is it your experience that ants cannot damage a plants root system?

Want to do what is necessary to ensure the plant does not die - the blooms have been large
and very pleasantly fragrant.

Thanks again.



Penelope wrote:

On Sun, 05 Jul 2009 09:05:10 -0500, "Douglas R. Hortvet, Jr."

Has anyone used a Spinosad product on gardenias with success?

Do you have issues with personal pronouns and paragraphs?

I have used Monterey Garden Insect Spray with success against spit!
thrips and tomato hornworms. It's a concentrate that is made to be
diluted in water.

However, why do you think the ants are causing the problem with your
gardenia? Unless they're herding aphids, I don't see how the ants
would hurt the plant. Are the ants fire ants, is that why you want to
get rid of them? Is there damage on the leaves that looks like insect

And what kind of fertilizer did you use? If the leaf yellowing
happened right after you fertilized, have you considered that the
fertilizer is the issue? Have you checked your soil pH? How much
water has the gardenia been getting?


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