Mixing soil for planters
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16-04-2003, 02:20 AM
Tom Jaszewski
Posts: n/a
Mixing soil for planters
On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 14:36:51 GMT,
I am wondering if I mixed my usual soiless mix with some well rotted
cattle manure in my outdoor planters. Would that work? The manure is
like compost - 2 years old and very dry and black.
Good compost is not dry and black. What does it smell like when warm
and wet? If it smells like fecal material it still is! If it wasn't
composted well it may be dominated by anoroebic bateria, AB are NOT
what plants like.
"As crude a weapon as a cave man's club the chemical barrage has been hurled at the fabric of life."
Rachel Carson
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