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Old 30-06-2009, 03:42 AM posted to
JimR JimR is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 122
Default killing clover in grass

"Chas Hurst" wrote in message

"Chas Hurst" wrote in message

But it's no consensus. Carcinogenic and toxic are NOT synonymous.

In a weird way you're correct. 2, 4-D is both a carcinogen AND toxic.

It would be more correct to say there is no consensus that 2, 4D is safe --

The reason I point this out is that this is one of the pesticides that has
been widely overused - for example, in this application, where the OP could
have solved his clover problem without using any chemicals at all -- and the
unnecessary use is resulting in homeowner lawn chemicals and other materials
winding up in drinking water supplies.

IMHO, usually this is the result of misuse or overuse by people without bad
intentions, who think they are doing the right thing and think they are
taking normal and prudent precautions.