B&Q Argonaut 1100 Litre Underground Tank Green
"Bob Minchin" wrote in message
Muddymike wrote:
"Broadback" wrote in message
Just a thought. I have three rainwater tubs collecting from
house and garage roof. Now if I got an underground tank I am
sure a pump would be necessary to use the water. So, which is
cheaper, metered water from the mains or the electricity to
pump the water?
Pumping your own is much cheaper.
The submersible pump I bought for my well is rated at 220w.
Having measured how long it takes to pump 10L of water I
calculated that pumping a cubic meter would cost about 6p,
whereas Yorkshire water charge £2.31 per cubic meter.
Agreed electricity is far cheaper and what is more Mike, your
well is a damn sight deeper than a tank would be so your pump
has to work harder to lift the water to ground level.
You mean a tank is not burried 45 feet down? :-)