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Old 18-06-2009, 09:01 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Gopher Gopher is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2008
Posts: 364
Default Advice on Snakes Head Fritillary

In message , The Brownie
Can anyone advise me.. I tried in vain to grow Snakes Head Fritillary years
ago when we lived in a different region. Heavy clay soil. Needles to to say
they didnt thrive. Now were in a Cumbria soil - and plenty of rain. Can I
grown this plant in pots, please, and what to do- what to avoid... Thanks


Hi Marg,

In Dorset we have pretty heavy clay or the green variety. We have been
quite successful in growing Snakes Head Fritillary in a small wildflower
meadow created at the end of our garden. And they're gradually spreading
- but never quickly enough. I also collect the seeds and broadcast them
over the areas I want the SHF to populate but it takes some 3 or so
years (I believe) for the plants to flowers from seed.

IIRC the best place to see a field of SHF in England is in Oxfordshire
and I believe it is a heavy clay soil. Regardless - don't give up.
They're beautiful plants to grow.

Good luck - I suspect some of the much better informed members of this
group will be along shortly with some practical tips :-))
Gopher .... I know my place!