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Old 09-06-2009, 05:09 PM posted to
Dioclese Dioclese is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 498
Default Which lawn seeds?

"Kinky Afro" wrote in message

Hi folks,
Would be extremely grateful if someone would kindly offer
me some advice. I have two lawns in need to some reseeding due to bald
patches, moss etc. One is South facing so gets plenty of sun the other
is north facing and parts of it only get the last sun of the day. I'm
a little confused with the various options. I am considering
purchasing the rapid start and the shady from the following link.
Neither though specify whether they are perennial or annual. Really
could do with perennial as I have very little time. Some are with
ryegrass and some without?????? Thanks for your help. Stuart

Kinky Afro

Depends where you are. Giganews doesn't offer a hint in location of the

You need 2 types of grass. One that enjoys the sun, the other that does
well in shade.