Digging a fence panel post hole
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05-06-2009, 09:47 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2009
Posts: 17
Digging a fence panel post hole
In article ,
I need to install 7 fence posts, I want to do them AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!
They are 9 foot posts
As I understand it I should aim to do a narrow hole as possible. But I have
also read I should stick some hardcore down there to help hold it in place -
doesn't this mean I should dig the holes a bit wider than the post itself?
or they just mean smaller rubble?
If you fill the hole with rubble or bricks etc, all you are doing is
making a nice sump for water to sit in thereby rotting the post. Fill
the hole with concrete.
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