you can also look at justin's rec.ponds FAQ (3rd URL in my sig below). there
is a wealth of info there.
See my zone 8B pond:
Rec.ponds FAQ:
Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein...
Prov 26:27
From: (Nanceemo)
Organization: AOL
Newsgroups: rec.ponds
Date: 13 Apr 2003 04:50:29 GMT
Subject: new to group ... and ponds : )
Hi. I've been lurking and reading, and I have so many questions I'm
... would it be better to ask them individually, or just go full out. : )
From: "BenignVanilla" m
Reply-To: "BenignVanilla" m
Newsgroups: rec.ponds
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 09:24:42 -0400
Subject: new to group ... and ponds : )
I suggest you break each question/topic into different posts. The following
threads will then be easier to follow, and you are more likely to get
educated responses, as people with knowledge will see the question in the
subject line and be more likely to answer.
My 2.
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