Thread: Seeds
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Old 19-05-2009, 03:30 AM posted to rec.gardens
Jean B. Jean B. is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 63
Default Seeds

Billy wrote:
In article ,
"Jean B." wrote:

Billy wrote:
In article ,
Frank wrote:

SteveB wrote:
A neighbor has just informed me that he has been having a problem getting
seeds from a local nursery. Seems the government has something to do
it. Anyone heard anything?


Yes, Obama administration is going after companies like Burpee that only
give you a dozen seeds for $2.98. Obscene profits and misuse of TARP
funds are driving seed companies to bankruptcy.
Not sure what you are saying Frank? Could we get a citation?
W. Atlee Burpee & Company --- sold to Geo J. Ball Inc. 1989 --
-- merged with Seminis in October 1995 -- purchased by Mon$anto in
January of 2005.

Any other questions about why you're being ripped off by Burpee?

There still are people of conscience out there.

Company 2006 seed sales US $ millions
1. Monsanto (US) $4,028
2. Dupont (US) $2,781
3. Syngenta (Switzerland) $1,743
4. Groupe Limagrain (France) $1,035
5. Land O¹ Lakes (US) $756
6. KWS AG (Germany) $615
7. Bayer Crop Science (Germany) $430
8. Delta & Pine Land (US) $418
(acquisition by Monsanto

9. Sakata (Japan) $401
10. DLF-Trifolium (Denmark) $352
Source: ETC Group

In 1996 * one
decade ago * the top 10 seed companies accounted for 37% of the
worldwide market * and Monsanto did not even appear on the list.

In 2006, the top 10 companies account for $12,559 million * or 64% of the
total proprietary seed market.

Monsanto * the world¹s largest seed company * accounts for more than one
fifth of the global proprietary seed market.

Finally, I came upon Elizabeth Stromme, to my regret, far too late. Her
observations about gardening, a decade and a half later, shows not much
has changed. A very good read.

The Color of Money

Eerm, this makes it seem desirable to save one's own seeds. Oh
yeah. That might be illegal.

Not the open pollenated seeds, at least not yet, but Mon$anto et al. are
buying them up and discontinuing them. That is where Seed Savers
Exchange comes in .
There are good nurseries that support open pollinated seeds like Nichols
Garden Nursery
SQ9H, Victory Seed Company, Fedco Seeds, and others, so we aren't quite up against
it yet. Learning to save seeds, would benefit us all.

This is just so crazy. Yes, I will start saving seeds.

Jean B.