18-05-2009, 02:01 AM
posted to rec.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 63
Billy wrote:
In article ,
Frank wrote:
SteveB wrote:
A neighbor has just informed me that he has been having a problem getting
seeds from a local nursery. Seems the government has something to do with
it. Anyone heard anything?
Yes, Obama administration is going after companies like Burpee that only
give you a dozen seeds for $2.98. Obscene profits and misuse of TARP
funds are driving seed companies to bankruptcy.
Not sure what you are saying Frank? Could we get a citation?
W. Atlee Burpee & Company --- sold to Geo J. Ball Inc. 1989 --
-- merged with Seminis in October 1995 -- purchased by Mon$anto in
January of 2005.
Any other questions about why you're being ripped off by Burpee?
There still are people of conscience out there.
Company 2006 seed sales US $ millions
1. Monsanto (US) $4,028
2. Dupont (US) $2,781
3. Syngenta (Switzerland) $1,743
4. Groupe Limagrain (France) $1,035
5. Land O¹ Lakes (US) $756
6. KWS AG (Germany) $615
7. Bayer Crop Science (Germany) $430
8. Delta & Pine Land (US) $418
(acquisition by Monsanto
9. Sakata (Japan) $401
10. DLF-Trifolium (Denmark) $352
Source: ETC Group
In 1996 * one
decade ago * the top 10 seed companies accounted for 37% of the
worldwide market * and Monsanto did not even appear on the list.
In 2006, the top 10 companies account for $12,559 million * or 64% of the
total proprietary seed market.
Monsanto * the world¹s largest seed company * accounts for more than one
fifth of the global proprietary seed market.
Finally, I came upon Elizabeth Stromme, to my regret, far too late. Her
observations about gardening, a decade and a half later, shows not much
has changed. A very good read.
The Color of Money
Eerm, this makes it seem desirable to save one's own seeds. Oh
yeah. That might be illegal. Still...
Jean B.