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Old 11-05-2009, 11:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Graham Harrison[_2_] Graham Harrison[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
Posts: 70
Default Asparagus not sprouting

"'Mike'" wrote in message

"Pam Moore" wrote in message
On Mon, 11 May 2009 16:17:44 +0100, "Hamer Family"

I planted about 25 Asparagus crowns in late March, and I only have two
little sprouts coming up. So, worried that the crowns had rotted I dug a
couple up, what I found was a afew roots looking like the roots on the
crowns that I planted and a mass of white hair like roots but no crown.
ideas what is going on? I am in South Wales. The earth in that bed is
humous rich, maybe they need a more sandy bed?

Your expert thoughts would be welcome.

I cannot help but I have the same problem. Last Autumn I moved
allotments and dug up some of my existing plants and replanted them on
my new allotment, a smaller one next to the old one. Same soil, same
aspect etc.
I also bought 4 new plants. Very few have sprouted, and so far none
of the new ones have done so. I admit I didn't plant them the way
experts advise, but I would expect some growth by now.
The plants I left behind are sprouting nicely. I know they don't
like being moved but they should do something!
I'd also appreciate advice.

Pam in Bristol

I had an Asparagus thread going some little while back as I was expecting
to see green shoots. Comments on here were that we should. On digging them
up, they had rotted. We can only assume that whilst we were away in warmer
climes of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore on our Winter Cruise, the
severe frost 'done them in'

We blame the weather


I have some older ones in my bed; only one is showing so far. Plus I
planted some new ones last year which are showing but seem very thin; I
guess they need a 2nd year to establish.