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Old 11-05-2009, 05:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Pam Moore[_2_] Pam Moore[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2008
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Default Asparagus not sprouting

On Mon, 11 May 2009 16:17:44 +0100, "Hamer Family"

I planted about 25 Asparagus crowns in late March, and I only have two weedy
little sprouts coming up. So, worried that the crowns had rotted I dug a
couple up, what I found was a afew roots looking like the roots on the
crowns that I planted and a mass of white hair like roots but no crown. Any
ideas what is going on? I am in South Wales. The earth in that bed is very
humous rich, maybe they need a more sandy bed?

Your expert thoughts would be welcome.

I cannot help but I have the same problem. Last Autumn I moved
allotments and dug up some of my existing plants and replanted them on
my new allotment, a smaller one next to the old one. Same soil, same
aspect etc.
I also bought 4 new plants. Very few have sprouted, and so far none
of the new ones have done so. I admit I didn't plant them the way
experts advise, but I would expect some growth by now.
The plants I left behind are sprouting nicely. I know they don't
like being moved but they should do something!
I'd also appreciate advice.

Pam in Bristol