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Old 08-05-2009, 12:22 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
K K is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default courgettes potting on?

Paul Luton writes
wafflycat wrote:
"Duncan" wrote in message
.. .
I have some courgette seedlings raised individually in 3 inch pots -
an F1 variety with yellow fruit.
The plants are at the 2 true-leaf stage. They are quite big (4-6"
high) but do not look mature. I was planning on planting them out in
a couple of weeks. Should I pot them on into bigger pots first, or
keep them in these same pots until I plant them in their final positions?

And if I may.. on the same subject: courgettes.. I have got several
courgettes (golden zucchini) that are now in big pots and rapidly
getting potbound. Each seems to grow visibly by the hour, and each has
of male flowers and budding zucchini (the zucchini are currently
about 1.5cm long). Some of the male flowers are on the point of
opening. Do I need to remove the male flowers to prevent bitter
tasting zucchini developing, in the same way as some cucumbers require
some flowers to be removed to stop the cucumbers becoming bitter?

In a word NO - I think that they do need pollinating.

No need to remove the male flowers, although the flowers are edible, and
while you have lots of male flowers you might as well make use of them

Once you have female flowers as well, you will need the male flowers for
pollination. The courgettes won't develop without pollination unless you
have one of the parthenogenetic varieties.