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Old 06-05-2009, 05:31 PM posted to rec.gardens
Zootal[_4_] Zootal[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 40
Default No apple blossoms on apple trees this year?

"brooklyn1" wrote in message

"Zootal" wrote in message

wrote in message
On May 5, 11:22 am, Pat Kiewicz wrote:
Zootal said:

My apple trees have very few blossoms on them this year. Last year they
were loaded, this year next to nothing. I'm in the mid Wilammette
Oregon. Anyone else in the Northwest observing this?

Some apple varieties have a strong tendency to develop a pattern of
alternate year bearing. Your big crop last year set you up for a small
crop this year. Extra fruit thinning may be advisable next year, in an
attempt to break the pattern.

Pat in Plymouth MI

"So, it was all a dream."
"No dear, this is the dream, you're still in the cell."

email valid but not regularly monitored

I that it has got a lot to do with the crop that you had last year
like pat said many apple varieties will have a good year and the a
bad, do you remember what happened the year before? if you can that
will give you a good picture as to consistency of your trees. So if
nothing else you can look forward to bumper crop again next year

The year before was pretty sparse. I attributed that to some pruning I
had done during the winter. I guess if I get a bumper crop next year I'll
have a much better idea if that is the case. It's a very old tree, but it
has very large green/red striped apples that are quite good. Last year we
got hundreds of apples from it. Literally hundreds of apples, omg it was

Since you now admit to pruning in winter then you've answered your

I did not prune at all last winter, so pruning does not explain the lack of
blossoms this year.