"Barry & Iris McCanna" wrote in message
"mick" wrote in message
"Sacha" wrote in message
in article , mick at
wrote on 13/4/03 6:49 am:
Monty Don is excellent - loves what he is doing and knows what he is
doing. However, I am bemused by your claim that Chris Beardshaw is
not a "real gardener."
If Monty Don hadn't taken the job, Chris would have been first-class.
He also knows and loves the job.
Well if I a honest, Beardshaw looses points not just on being a "Garden
Designer" not a gardener and on his mannerisms ( he flays his arms around
too much and it is accentuated on TV) . Monty Don has a pleasant manner and
thats as much as one can ask of the dumbed down BBC these days.
But I suppose I could also argue that GW should be looking for new blood
altogether - and preferably looking within the gardening domain , not at the
Monty Don has a degree in some subject or other ( Business from the LSE I
think) and took up gardening as a business venture.
He certainly didnt start out as a gardener and in that respect I doubt if he
knows much more than I do - and thats saying something!
As for garden designers - then yes I definately do know as much as they do!