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Old 28-04-2009, 05:35 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Gordon H[_3_] Gordon H[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 655
Default To compost/mulch or not to compost/mulch

In message , Malcolm

I've lopped some branches off a Sitka spruce and have put everything
small enough through a shredder. I went on the Internet looking for
advice on whether these chippings could be used either as a mulch or
added to my compost heap. The advice was both conflicting and
confusing, so I thought I would ask here for clear, unambiguous answers :-)

The online advice so far can be summarised as:

OK as mulch but let it lie for 6 weeks to allow resins to disperse.
Don't use it as mulch as toxins will kill plants.

OK as compost if mixed with other material but may slow process down.
Don't use it as compost as it will make compost acid.

I also came across:
Don't mulch right up to the house walls as this will attract termites!

What experience here can I draw on, please?

We had some to dispose of in a Country Park, as they get all the
shredded Xmas trees.

We spread it on a really boggy path, and converted it into a pleasant
green lane, which smells delightful as you walk along it.
Could be used for cheap garden paths?
Gordon H
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