rechargable or electric strimmer recommendation
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 22:34:03 +0100 (BST), "Dave Liquorice"
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 21:43:00 +0100, Bob Hobden wrote:
If you have used a petrol strimmer you will find the electric ones
And rechargeable ones doubly so. I used an electric one once give more
than 6 blades of grass to cut in one stroke and it could hardly manage it.
Get you one serviced or buy a better quality one, Stihl, Honda or
I wonder who makes these little two stroke engines? I doubt it will be
McCulloch they are part of the Electrolux empire IIRC.
A service is probably a good idea and possibly some instruction in looking
after it (correct oil/fuel mix) and starting. Two strokes can be
tempremental to start and they are all a little different. There have been
starting procedures written up in here in the past.
Some instruction into looking after it is very good advice,
I did just that a couple of days ago, & it seems to work well now.
Thanks for your reply,