rechargable or electric strimmer recommendation
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26-04-2009, 11:32 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 9
rechargable or electric strimmer recommendation
On 20 Apr 2009 19:33:21 GMT,
Muddymike wrote:
"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 21:43:00 +0100, Bob Hobden wrote:
If you have used a petrol strimmer you will find the electric ones
And rechargeable ones doubly so. I used an electric one once give more
than 6 blades of grass to cut in one stroke and it could hardly manage it.
Get you one serviced or buy a better quality one, Stihl, Honda or
I wonder who makes these little two stroke engines? I doubt it will be
McCulloch they are part of the Electrolux empire IIRC.
A service is probably a good idea and possibly some instruction in looking
after it (correct oil/fuel mix) and starting. Two strokes can be
tempremental to start and they are all a little different. There have been
starting procedures written up in here in the past.
The greatest issue with a poor bad starting 2 stroke engine is fuel.
Always use fresh fuel if the machine has not been used for a few weeks.
Always drain the tank and run the carburettor dry before storing for more
than a couple of weeks.
The other issue is that starting from cold is usually quite easy
whereas starting a hot (or more likely a "not quite hot" engine) is
close to impossible.
So, if the OP is trying to *restart* a warm[ish] engine [s]he may be
trying the near impossible. I think it depends on the engine but some
are just not worth bothering with when warm, let them cool done
completely and start cold again.
Seems OK to start from warm now. I was strimming some weeds
yesterday, turned off the machine & started it a couple of minutes
later, no problem.
Thanks for your reply,
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