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Old 22-04-2009, 11:53 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
chris French chris French is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 269
Default rechargable or electric strimmer recommendation

In message et, Dave
Liquorice writes
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 21:43:00 +0100, Bob Hobden wrote:

If you have used a petrol strimmer you will find the electric ones

And rechargeable ones doubly so. I used an electric one once give more
than 6 blades of grass to cut in one stroke and it could hardly manage it.

not used a rechargeable strimmer (though the rechargeable hedge trimmer
that I bought last year is fine, but I only use it for trimming the
large topiaried Yews).

I've got a B&D electric Reflex Strimmer with a line that, it's fine for
what is designed for. Light strimming around the garden, basically grass
and light weeds around the base of things, I prefer it for this use
compared to a petrol one (lighter, quieter), but not really much kop
for heavier duty stuff (though I have strimmed a patch of nettles with
it, but I'd not recommend it.

But if the OP has the need of a petrol oen, then no an electric one
isn't the answer.

Get you one serviced or buy a better quality one, Stihl, Honda or

Shouldn't be hard to sort out if it's just not starting properly
Chris French