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Old 20-04-2009, 09:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Gordon H[_3_] Gordon H[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 655
Default rechargable or electric strimmer recommendation

In message , Muddymike

I wonder who makes these little two stroke engines? I doubt it will be
McCulloch they are part of the Electrolux empire IIRC.

A service is probably a good idea and possibly some instruction in looking
after it (correct oil/fuel mix) and starting. Two strokes can be
tempremental to start and they are all a little different. There have been
starting procedures written up in here in the past.

The greatest issue with a poor bad starting 2 stroke engine is fuel.
Always use fresh fuel if the machine has not been used for a few weeks.
Always drain the tank and run the carburettor dry before storing for more
than a couple of weeks.

I only mix up a tank full at a time, and empty the tank back into the mixing
bottle after use. The mixing bottle has a sealed cap, whereas the tank has a
vented cap (to allow air in as the fuel flows out) If the fuel is left in
the tank, particularly in hot weather, the lighter elements in the fuel
evaporates leaving thicker less volatile fuel. Hence difficult starting.


I am reminded of helping a friend struggling to start his tiny outboard
motor in a dinghy, during a heavy swell in Poole Harbour.

It convinced me not to mess with small infernal combustion engines...

I have an electric strimmer.
Gordon H
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