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Old 20-04-2009, 10:32 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
K K is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,966
Default Tomatoes (Again) - Capillary Matting? - Again

Judith Smith writes

Sorry to post again - but I am quite desperate.

I watered them to day - stood in about half inch of water - but I did
have to watch carefully to make sure not too wet.

How big are the plants at the moment?

Tiny seedlings I keep moist but not wet - they don't use a lot of water
so it's not difficult to do. From about 3 inches onwards I give about
1cm depth of water in the top of the pot, this drains through into the
tray beneath but is reabsorbed by the soil over the next couple of
hours. Then I water again when the top of the soil is dry but before the
leaves are drooping (though the occasional root droop doesn't do lasting

Standing in water for any length of time is a bad idea. The most I'd let
them stand in water is a couple of days (eg if I'm going away for a
couple of days and the forecast is for warm weather).