"klondyke" wrote
Hi Everyone, Just joined the forum. I'm an old fogie but have a
reasonable amount of experience but still willing to learn new tricks.
My name is Colin and I am a retired farmer but still keeping busy in my
large gardens. Mostly fruit and vegetables but some flowers to keep "her
indoors" happy!.
I would welcome any tips for controlling slugs as they play havoc with
my brassicae. Happy Days.
This is a Newsgroup (part of Usenet) not a forum so you can come here direct
if you wish and not through GB. Look at "Tools" on your mail client and you
will probably see the word.
We haven't found a replacement for the old fashioned "Slug Pellets". The new
animal friendly stuff cost a fortune as it has to be reapplied after the
slightest rain and doesn't work anyway IME.
Bob Hobden
just W. of London