Originally Posted by klondyke
Other than that you could try the method used by my wife's brother-in-law. He got an old sardine tin with some bits of fish and oil still in it and wired the tin upto the mains electricity. Then he stood watch and when moggie came along and stuck his nose in the tin he threw the switch!. Do you recall Korky the Cat? I remember a picture of him in the Dandy with his hair all up like todays rockers and flying through the air having got an electric shock. I pictured that when I heard about the sardine tin and whilst I am in general an animal lover, I have to admit I roared with laughter . Yeah like most gardeners I hate the darned moggies. Best of luck.. but do try the citrus trick. KLONDYKE
That is advising cruelty. Do this and every bunnyhugger in the district will quite rightly be down on you like a ton of bricks. Try that on your fences to keep out intruders and the police will be round like a shot. And what about the innocent wildlife [hedgehogs, foxes and soon] that might also be attracted.