Supporting Peas ?
In message , Little
Paul writes
On 2009-04-17, Gordon H wrote:
I've used plastic netting, but it's a bugger to unravel and handle...
I've got several lengths of plastic netting cut to convenient sizes
(short pieces for supporting peas, longer pieces for keeping the cats
from digging up my seed beds), then stapled at each end to lengths of wood.
Attempt at ascii art follows:
Wood Netting
/ /
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx||
When I want to store it, the netting gets rolled up around one of the wooden
bits until you get to the other end, then a couple of rubber bands or a piece
of string hold the two pieces of wood together preventing the netting from
unravelling in the shed.
I started doing this about 4 years ago and have had no problems with tangles,
knots or anything like that. Much easier than my previous "stuff it in a
carrier bag" approach :-)
Oh, and "hello! It's my first post" and all that.
Hello Paul, and as an ex-draughtsman in my early career, thank you for
the illustration!
I may yet try it, as I have planted beans & peas, and bought a packet of
sweet peas on impulse today. I still have a few stakes and canes in
teh corner of my garage...
Gordon H
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