Clematis advice
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17-04-2009, 01:46 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Clematis advice
In article aaab4119-fb50-4664-8586-
Thanks Charlie, I looked at them in your catalogue and I notice they
all say prune hard. Will they cover an area of wall each year that I
want covered if I have to prune it back on an annual basis?
If you imagine something roughly pear shaped (narrower at the base) and
around 15 feet high thats what they will do each year, but each winter
they are chopped back. so if you want permant cover you will need
something like roses, (there are not too many very hardy climbers that
will flower on a north wall)
Charlie Pridham, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of national collections of Clematis viticella cultivars and
Lapageria rosea
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