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Old 17-04-2009, 02:51 PM posted to
Frank Frank is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 299
Default Damp soil lawn advice??

On Apr 16, 12:59*pm, thewhisperingon thewhisperingon.
Firstly, forgive my ignorance on lawn care. Here's my problem:

My lawn takes a lot of drainage from another elevated site behind my
own hence the soil is compacted and very damp. The end result is that
moss has taken over. I know I can't kill it once and for all. So far
I've used an electric moss raker which certainly seems to have cleared
the majority and I've aerated the lawn.

Now...what should I do next to give me a healthy lawn come the summer?

Should I apply an organic compost/sharpsand mix over the lawn then
resow or am I being very naive. *Your advice would be most welcome!!


I would also check pH and I suspect the lawn needs liming as moss
seems to prefer low pH.