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Old 05-04-2009, 09:48 PM posted to rec.gardens
brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
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Default There goes the neighborhood

"Phisherman" wrote in message
On Sat, 4 Apr 2009 18:46:01 -0500, "Dioclese" NONE wrote:

My rural neighborhood is more or less city-fied. They all got pasture
fencing including the street-facing side. All is well manicured native
grasses as viewed from the street on these 5/10/20 acre plats. No native
spring flowers, they're all mowed down. No, these native flowers and
originating plants are not in competition with native grasses. I delight
when I arrive at home to see spring alive, these white and ultra-yellow
flowers will wilt soon enough. Soon to see summer, and most, if not all
it, will wilt and dry again in the Texas sun. I kept my fenceline around
house, not my property line. I don't understand my neighbors, help me

Most neighbor's hire lawn care service and I may see these neighbors
in their yard once a year. I think I am the only one who does not
have a riding mower. What they call "yard work," I call gardening.

My sister and her husband have 8 acres and both hate any kind of
gardening--makes me wonder why she bought so much unused land, but
that's her business.

Most likely for privacy... with 8 acres her neighbors can't readily hear her
having sex and she doesn't need to hear their toilets flush.... and land
doesn't need to be "gardened" to be a garden... some of the best "gardened"
parts of my land are those I leave entirely to Mother Nature, I don't try to
improve on perfection.