Thread: Grass in shade
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Old 05-04-2009, 03:40 AM posted to rec.gardens
brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 1,342
Default Grass in shade

"Jangchub" wrote:

WTF are you talking about?

Have you considered remedial reading... it may help your comprehension.

I have a beautiful stand of St. Augustine under my live oaks in high
pH soil with very little supplemental water.

We can see how lovely.

I never tested the pH.

You never tested yet you know its pH... yeah, right... are you psychic...
everyone has been buying soil testing kits for nothing. You should start a
web business, folks can email you their GPS location and you can email back
the precise pH to within +/- 1 millimeter. We don't need any stinkin' pH
test kits! hehe

I suspect some here do not garden... they only talk gardening... someone
else is doing their landscaping, and perhaps they help so they pick up the
nomenclature, that they toss around in an attempt to give credibility to
their preachings... this is true with any endeaver where someone is quick
say others are wrong but cite no reference other than their own say so,
then cannot reply with the correct answer, but instead hide behind a decoy
of nonsensical double talk/fluff speak.

Why would anyone post here if they didn't garden?

Lots of honest folks admit they're newbies.

Pam happens to be a professional designer,

Oh, wow, you need your gang... I can see her credentials from here...I'm
shaking in my boots. Pam's credentials and a token gets you a ride on the

I was a professional grower and garden center
manager and have been gardening since I've been
15 years old.

A job watering shrubs is a professional nothing. Starting gardening at 15
is like starting to train for being a prima ballerina at 15.

You are an idiot.

Hmm, obviously I hit the nail dead center.

I don't know whether you're an idiot... but I do know you're a braggart and
a liar, and mean spirited... you're not a nice person.