Herbs and Roses
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04-04-2009, 08:45 AM posted to rec.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,179
Herbs and Roses
In article
On Apr 3, 5:14*pm, Billy wrote:
In article
Is there any reason not to plant herbs between roses? *It would be
convenient, since the Rose path is right outside the kitchen door.
I have checked several "complementary" sites and none of them seem to
but wanted to get this NGs reaction.
Herbs a *Sage, Basil, Parsley, Oregano.
Note that an old Rosemary bush has been in the Rose path for years w/o
perceptible problems.
(I do hope the new *"from" address will placate my critics.)
Come, come, child, adversity builds character.
Thyme is the most obviously absent choice that you have.
Right, thanks. The nurseries have been erratic in what they display.
Then you could hum "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme".
What? What's that moaning I hear? Humph.
Have you seen that BBC mystery series "Rosemary and Thyme"?
It's about a couple of lady gardeners who dig up stiffs (if I can say
that) on a regular basis than that Fletcher lady. Good show if your not
too demanding.
I used to be a big fan of that show. The leads were like real people,
and the Englishly-understated locations were such fun.
But if companion planting is what you're looking for, garlic and onions
are the herbs for you. I mean, herbs are nice but without garlic and
onions there isn't a "real" meal.
You got THAT right! I do have garlic between the roses, and a huge
crop of green onions, which I have to eat up before they go to seed.
I use a lot in one of my favorite dishes -- the quesadilla. In case
they don't have it in your part of the country, it is made of two
flour tortillas filled with GOOD cheddar (I pay too much for 3-year-
Canadian cheddar), chopped green onions and thin-sliced tomatoes.
Salt and pepper and cook on stovetop in a flat iron skillet, weighed
down with -- something. I have a great old iron press that people
always want to swipe from me.
You know, you really can't have a placated critic you know. They'd be
out of work.
Hmmmm. You do seem kinda familiar.
But surely not vulgar...
Maybe just common.
Tell you what, I'll give ya 3 steps toward the door ;O)
You don't actually believe that stuff? Do you know
where Haaretz is coming from?
Oops - forget it - not about to open THAT can of Palestinian
propaganda worms.
Silly me. Now I recognize you. That explains all the blood stains.
But mums the word because Bill R. will think it's an endorsement of
organic gardening.
It's just sooo hard to get the mix right.
- Billy
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