Deer Resistant Shrub Hedge Plant recommendations
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03-04-2009, 09:23 PM posted to rec.gardens
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 386
Deer Resistant Shrub Hedge Plant recommendations
Phisherman wrote:
On Fri, 03 Apr 2009 09:58:46 -0400,
Greetings all...
Looking for a few suggestions for Deer Resistant Shrubs that can be used as a hedge.
Something with these characteristics
Zone 6
Dense Compact Shrub
6 - 10' tall
4- 5 ' width
Partial Shade to Full Sun (northeastern exposure.. morning sun_
Highly Deer resistant
Somewhat Drought Tolerant, but is also in a springtime moist location but dries up
during summer.
Medium Growth
Attractive. Berries are fine.....
Need a row about 35 feet long. Looking for a privacy screen, but only of medium height
maybe 10' max. I can purchase larger shrubs for immediate functionality, but can
also do the 3 gallon size and wait 5 years or so.
These will be replacing Russian Olives which grow but are yucky, and euonymous
'manhattan' which never grows because the deer rip it to shreds as soon as it develops a
I have Ilex crenata "Chesapeake" small leaf Japanese Holly shrubs
as foundation plantings. They look nice, meet all the criteria
however I'm very concerned that they are 'deer candy' and will be
destroyed if used any distance away from the house.
Leylands are too large, Arborvitae have been ripped to shreds. Carmellia's couldn't
handle temperature ranges and drought. Euonymous and Photinia were both ripped
to shreds ( even when completely wrapped in 'deer netting").
Anyone currently growing something in a similar situation ???
Thanks !!!
Deer, by far, is my largest garden enemy. My rose of sharon hedge
have survived the deer (zone 7). Provides total privacy during summer
with flowers and can be trimmed to any height.
Young hollies, young euonymous, azaleas, any fruit trees need cage
protection. I use an electric fence for vegetables.
Spirea and quince have grown well without deer damage. My spirea is
15 feet tall, quince about 8 feet, neither were ever trimmed. No
winter privacy, though.
I have seen as many as 15 deer grazing in my front yard--too bad I
don't care for the taste. Plants are not the only victums, my small
town has one deer-vehicle collision every day!
Dittos and I'm doubly frustrated because I hunt deer and cannot touch
the local herd.
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