Lemon buds
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01-04-2009, 07:29 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,439
Lemon buds
On 1/4/09 18:26, in article
, "Bob Hobden"
"Stephen Wolstenholme" wrote ...
Some may remember my disappearing lemon. It never was found it but
things have moved on a bit. All the lemons have now dropped off. They
taste absolutely wonderful. Even the skins taste good. The trouble is
that all the leaves have dropped off as well. I'm sure that hasn't
happened at this time of year before.
There have been some tiny buds for two weeks but they don't look to be
growing. The tree is indoors in an unheated location.
Is this normal?
Certainly not. Loss of leaves is down to overwatering or not watering or
frost damage. Only you can know which is the cause in your case.
Ours are already outside against their S. facing wall, I brought them back
in when a few degrees of frost was forecast last weekend but hopefully that
will be the last time this year they need protection.
BTW you can easily turn the Lemon skins into Limonchello although as we
can't get the rough pickling alcohol and have to use gin it tends to be
smoother (posher) than that the Italians make. If you want the instructions
just ask.
Haven't tried it myself, Bob but I gather Vodka makes good Limoncello -
wonderful digestivo!
South Devon
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