Phormium; moving/removing
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30-03-2009, 05:16 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,439
Phormium; moving/removing
On 30/3/09 14:44, in article
"Pam Moore" wrote:
My daughter has a big, established phormium which she wants to remove.
She said she might dig it up and try to sell it. I recall on GQT once
comebody being told to get the army in to help remove a phormium.
Has anyone had any experience of digging one up? How hard a job is it?
The base is about 18 inches and the height 6 ft-ish.
Pam in Bristol
A crowbar, mattock, forks, spades and ultimately, a JCB, should do it. ;-)
The musclemen in the family tell me it is possible and a couple of sharp
spades are invaluable. Autumn seems to be the best time.
South Devon
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