Thread: Frost II
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Old 30-03-2009, 04:35 PM posted to rec.gardens
Ernie Willson Ernie Willson is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2009
Posts: 67
Default Frost II

Denis Mitchel wrote:
It seems like my last question caused some misunderstandings.

I live on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas and for the last two nights the
local weather people have been calling for a low of 38 degrees and advising
that plants should be taken indoors to protect them from frost.

That was the reason for my first question. I just could not understand their
reasoning for such advice.

Now for another question. In the last two weeks I have planted a number of
bare-root roses. So far there has not been any frost in my area and my roses
are doing great.

However, in the event there is a frost sometime in the near future, I would
like to know how long a rose brush can withstand frost on it before severe
damage is done to it.



Because of radiation cooling frost can occur on any cloudless night when
the temperatures are in the 40 f or below range.

As for roses..I used live in New England where the winter temperatures
often got down to zero deg. and stayed there for several days at a time.
I never lost a rose plant to the cold weather.